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Home of the "Best Gospel Tracts for Evangelism"


Front cover of the book, "Three Christian Brothers"
Front cover of the book, "Christian's Walk"
Front cover of "My Vietnam: A Gift to My Daughter"
Photo of a package of "Give Me" tracts
Photo of a package of "Gotta Monkey on your Back?"

Let's look at some of "Jack's Books" and "Gospel Tracts"

Book cover for MY VIETNAM - A Gift to My Daughter

Verified Amazon Reviews



Hey Dad, instead of a gift, would you share your Vietnam experiences with me?” My daughter’s request set into motion a journey 50 years into the past as a “grunt” in the steamy jungles of Vietnam.  Four months later, with my memoir completed, Naomi asked another question. “Hey Dad, let’s go to Vietnam, just you and me?” Could the ghosts of Vietnam’s past morph into a father and daughter blessing in the present?

“This is the best book I've read about the Vietnam War!!! It’s so well written I felt the emotional terror of combat, the insane heat and humidity, the dense jungle that resulted in blind warfare, and so much more. A MUST READ!!”          Pamela Jones


"I love this book! If you were born in the 1950s, you were touched by the war. Jack's story provides vivid insight of that reality. The book was so good I became sad when I finished it."   

Cindi Sutt

Combat assault with Vietnamese onlookers
Three combat soldiers in the Vietnam jungle
Landing the Huey bring supplies to the infantry
Cobra helicopter on a mission

PAPERBACK     $19.95

HARDCOVER   $29.95

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Book cover for CHRISTIAN'S WALK - The Journey



Christian's Walk blends the remarkable insights of John Bunyan's immortal classic, Pilgrims Progress with illustrated storybook imagery. Christian's Journey is your journey; hosting danger, excitement, fears, doubts, tragedy, victories, and blessings. Biblical truths are presented in such a way that anyone can relate to, and understand. Insightful, Chris's story penetrates the heart with reflection, conviction, guidance, comfort, and purpose.

Christian's Walk brings pertinent scriptures to life as the King's children travel through a confusing and turbulent world. The characters of Christian Walk become our mirrored images revealing the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Verified Amazon Reviews

Wonderfully written. I love the way the book portrays issues that not only Christian's face, but everyone faces. Although humorous at times, this journey exposes the trials and temptations that causes us to stumble. The characters illustrations are amazing! I highly recommend this book."  Swan

"I loved the artwork of each character, and the relevant biblical passages of Christian's (sometimes humorous) journey. The illustrations made this book understandable and very enjoyable. This book would be an effective teaching tool for Christian schools." Kay

Christian's Walk: Comfort and Guidance await at the church
Christian's Walk: Chris faces two vicious dogs
Christian's Walk: The Great Shepherd
Christian's Walk: Daniel says goodbye to grandpa

PAPERBACK     $14.95

HARDCOVER   $24.95

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Three Christian Brothers book cover


Freddy, Sammy, and Pete, grew up in the country, raised by Christian parents. The brothers were taught to love God, however, Freddy, Sammy, and Pete were uniquely different. When they became young men they left their parents to build their own lives. Each brother, now on their own, made choices that reflected their values, priorities, and how they built their homes. When the destructive storms from the Evil One swept against their homes, their values were tested and reflected with the outcome of each brothers home.
The message: to know that "The Prince of Darkness" exists, and that by spending time with God through prayer and His Word , we can prepare and stand firm against the Devil's schemes.

Scriptural premise:

Ephesians 6:11   Matthew 7:24-25
Although, the story and illustrations appeal to children, the message applies to  ALL ages, and can be effectively used for evangelism.

Verified Amazon Reviews

Attention grabbing graphics with a moral message. I love this powerful book which has a strong message for young and old alike. What grabs your attention are the incredible, colorful, action-packed images skillfully crafted by the author himself. This is a delightful read as one identifies with each brother and how they choose to overcome evil with good. Janice A. Baker


Vivid, colorful characters illustrate the consequences of not following our Heavenly Father's teachings and Bible verses that authenticate the story. Absolutely loved the drawings done by the artistically talented author!The camaraderie of the "Three Brother's" was refreshing, always willing to help each other. This book would make a wonderful gift. Janel Stellhorn

Three Christian's Brothers: Freddie & Sammy go flying
Three Christian Brothers: Sammy builds his home
Three Christian Brothers: The Evil One
Three Christian Brothers:  A family meeting

PAPERBACK     $11.95

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Top - Notch Gospel Tracts
S​ample Pack - $4.95
Pack of 50 - $11.40


Photo of a Christian tract unfolded
A man pulling money from his wallet to give to charity
Cartoon illustration of Three Blind Mice
An ominus illustration of the Last Days
Illustration of a skull that is the object of a miracle
Illustration of a Bible prophet pointing to inscribed prophecies
Illustration of a young angry rebellious young woman
Illustration of a woman without hope
Cartoon of a young man with a monkey on his back
Cartoon of a happy man and woman in love
Illustration of a man with his arms expressing, "you know"
Cartoon of an old Greek-like god in the expanse
Cartoon character of Satan

Sample Pack 12-Tracts

Photo of sample tracts
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